HADRAMAN  believes that the client will require the management of a team of professionals with extensive local and international experience and technical expertise in general building, construction and engineering services.

Accordingly, HADRAMAN is pleased to provide the services of the under listed professionals at the disposal of the client in respect of the proposed project.

Mr Abdul-Rahaman Usman Snr- Chairman. A seasoned professional with many years of experience and interest in several businesses. He has managed civil engineering projects and also provided valuable solutions to the security challenges encountered in many organizations. His wealth of experience is invaluable to the company.


Mrs Hadiza F.Usman–  Managing Director/ CEO.  She is a Nigerian, Business entrepreneur and an accomplished administrator of international repute. She has over twenty-three years experience in business and  has managed the execution of various building/civil engineering projects, ranging from residential to commercial and industrial buildings and from roads to other infrasture development projects for governments, organizations and individuals in Nigeria since 1987 till date.She has also managed the provision, manufacturing and installation of Vault security doors, safes, ATM doors and other security related systems for many banks and financial institutions.

Mr Danlami Usman Jnr -Executive Director- He is a well-trained individual with exposure and talent, which adds immense value and enhances the company's strategy moving forward in this ever-changing and dynamic business environment. He has a Bsc Business Information Systems obtained from University of Portsmouth, MSc Business and Management from University of Portsmouth, MSc Corporate Risk and Security Management from University of Southampton. 


Efosa Ogiamien – A Builder and Quantity Surveyor by profession. He has more than fifteen years experience in the practice of his profession and has, over the years, participated in the bidding, planning and execution of many construction projects handled by Hadraman and his other employers for clients all over the country.

He served in the capacity of Senior Quantity Surveyor and in other senior technical capacity in reputable multinational construction companies, including Beton bau Nigeria Limited, before joining the HADRAMAN Group in 2001, as the Project Manager.


Oluwole Ojo – a Mechanical Engineer by profession He has over twenty-five years experience in the design and fabrication of security doors, safes, and other structural security apparatus. He has managed and supervised the execution of various electro-mechanicals, building development and power supply projects embarked on for reputable clients over the years. He served in capacities within several organizations prior to his joining Hadraman Limited in 1994, as one of the head engineers .


In light of the above, Hadraman  will bring to bear their unique experience and expertise in providing exceptionally high managerial, technical and operational quality and efficiency in order to ensure the timely and successful execution of any given project.




Hadraman aims to provide high quality services and has the ability to give assured performance and delivery, whilst continually striving to seek ways of improving its services. It has a number programme in force to monitor and measure its performance and the client’s  requirements.


Client satisfaction is the prime goal of the employees, which can only be achieved by their professionalism and dedication to meet the needs of the client.


Hadraman has the methodology of BS 5750/ISO900 in force. Hadraman will therefore implement a standard Total Quality Management (TQM) policy. The policy demands that a project Quality Assurance / Quality Control Plan be specifically designed to accommodate each project we undertake.


Quality Assurance is the plan which sets up the system by which project quality will be maintained. This plan is the policy for implementation and administering quality on the project.


Project Procedures are the means and methods followed to ensure that the project work are performed in accordance with the Quality Assurance Plan.


In pursuance of the health and safety at work off Act 1975, the following shall be adopted by Hadraman  and shall have effect on every person employed by Flogod. Each worker shall accept his/ her responsibilities in accordance with the Act, the Regulations controlling the industry and its safety policy as far as it is reasonably practical.


The Aim

To prevent as far as it is reasonably practical accidents and dangerous occurrences that might put at risk the health, safety and welfare of all personnel including the general public and others not employed by the company.


To achieve and maintain a high accident – fee record throughout the time of our operations.




The Policy

Hadraman recognizes and accepts its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1975, to provide safe and healthy working environment for all its employees as far as it is reasonably practical and to make the health, safety and welfare of its employees a matter of prime importance and consideration. The company expects the full co-operation of all employees in fulfilling this policy and in promoting health and safety at work.


Management at all levels will be responsible to ensure that the aims are identified as far as it is practical.



In pursuance of the Environment Protection Act 1990, the Environmental protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991, and the Controlled Waste Regulations 1991, the following policy shall be adopted by Hadraman and it shall have effect on every person so employed, each worker shall accept his/her responsibilities in accordance with the Act, the Regulations controlling the industry and this Environmental Policy as far as it is reasonably practical.

The Aim

 To ensure as far as it is reasonably practical the correct and safe handing of products, materials and services which might endanger or cause harm to the environment.


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