Hadraman  Limited, a leader in the manufacturing, supply and maintenance of bank vaults doors, safes, cabinets and other security related equipment. 

Hadraman Limited , is also a professionally managed multi-facet international engineering company, providing comprehensive engineering services to a rapidly growing list of clients (Government, private organizations and individuals) throughout Nigeria.

The company has offices in Nigeria situated in Lagos and Kaduna. 

The company implements modern engineering techniques, including ISO 9000 quality standards, on all its projects. employing over 100 experienced professional staff: engineers, technicians and management experts both in ?Nigeria and abroad.


HADRAMAN’S professionals have participated in numerous major engineering and construction projects both within Nigeria . These projects include Housing units, office blocks,fortification of banks’ vaults, Construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of buildings, and facilities for education and  individual establishments.


HADRAMAN’S broad experience in the execution of infrastructure projects both within Nigeria is a key asset that makes it possible for the company to provide general construction services that are second to none in quality, prompt delivery and cost – effectiveness. This, equally, places the company among the seasoned, leading construction and maintenance engineering companies operating in Nigeria.

The company can undertake a project from conception to completion in the tradition of “Master Builder”.With design and construction becoming more complex and interdependent, this aspect of Hadraman’s capability is particularly attractive to clients whose needs are complex.



 HADRAMAN Limited  provides comprehensive engineering and logistics support services to rapidly growing list of clients ranging from private to public organizations such as banks, telecommunication companies and many others.


HADRAMAN considers the satisfaction of its clients a prime goal and for that purpose, the Group uses the expertise and know – how of well qualified and experienced professionals and vast pool of modem and sophisticated equipment at its disposal to back up all its activities.


Engineers and Technicians in the company’s service are offered regular training programmes that are designed to update them in the modern work methods, whilst clients relationships are established through the experience and dedication of the company’s professionals and a corporate commitment to high quality performance and cost – effectiveness at all times.


In the light of the above, Hadraman’s execution capabilities in this field is therefore almost un-limited. Given its access to and the use of state-of-the –art technologies in the execution of construction and engineering projects. Together with its team of experts who are experienced in a variety of projects, Hadraman is fully equipped to execute the project ahead of schedule and within budget.

Accordingly, the competence of the company will contribute the following benefits to the execution of the proposed project.


Ø     Economies of Scale i.e. large pool of professional staff with vast experience and engineering skill-assets;

Ø     Receipt of specialist advice and assistance;

Ø     Adoption of state-of-the-art construction and engineering equipment, technologies and practices;

Ø     Enhance service delivery;

Ø     Economies of scale and established channels in dealing with suppliers of raw materials;

Ø     Effective and efficient operating policies and controls;

Ø     Delivery of an internationally known trademark and brand reputation.

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